welfare bum

Successfully missing the point since 1977.

Friday, October 19, 2007

what to do when your conferene call gets cancelled

i originally had a conference call scheduled for this morning with one of our high-maintenance clients, but that got cancelled. i'm glad too because scheduled half-hour meetings with these people always turn into hour-and-a-half meetings that drive me nuts.

so in lieu of working on something important, i offer the public the following time-wasting items:

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  • At Fri Oct 19, 03:03:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I think the people who made the burgler clean up were brilliant. Now the ACLU will probably come on the scene and sue them for slavery or some such nonsense but cool nonetheless.

  • At Tue Oct 23, 02:34:00 PM, Blogger Martini said…

    awesome links. Especially Prime. I will have to post how I made my Halloween costume after my party on the 27th.


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